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The internet home of songwriter John Davey

Toss Your Javelin

Toss Your Javelin has been germinating for years. The third long playing album by John Davey is a collection of maxims and self-injunctions set to memory evoking melodies.

A black and white photo taped to a wall in Kansas City, the spiny ridge along Chimney Tops in Eastern Tennessee, the train station platform in Lansing in the dreary rain, neck craned to see the parade down Washington Street on the 4th of July, mammoth Ore Boats chugging in and out of Upper Harbor from all over the Great Lakes. This collage is the running start which throws the weighted dart.

”Lower Tiers” is the centerpiece of the album. Its arrangement borrows pages from The Great American Songbook, seeking common ground with 20th century greats Irving Berlin, Paul Simon, and Randy Newman.
The bookends of the album are the newest compositions, “Q” and “Boreal Lullaby”, both fruits of a tree transplanted. “Q” is the disentanglement of overlaying personalities and the proper identification of a newly emerging self. “Boreal Lullaby” is both old and new. It’s the hymn we hummed in church. It’s the subject of a trial, a lamentation, a psalm.
”Hard Times, Strong Men” is the outlier. Pulsating and fuzzy and rhythmic. It’s Jules Vern, Robert Louis Stevenson and George Harrison at a game of craps. Harrison rolls snake eyes. A prophetic warning. A new archetype.

Toss Your Javelin was crowdfunded by 134 generous supporters.

Songs, guitars, and vocals by John Davey
Production, mixing, and arrangement of a variety of instruments performed by Shane Leonard in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Mastered by TW Walsh in Boston, Massachusetts
Engineering by Evan Middlesworth at Pine Hollow Audio in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Basses by Jeremy Boettcher
Piano and other keys by Joshua Gallagher

Video Teaser of "Kings, Gods, Fools" by Zachary Schneider Studio

After some discussions with a few trusted friends, I decided to self-release the album. The undertaking of this album from the beginning has been in that spirit, I think.

I reached out to a few creative, productive people I know to assist me in creating some promotional material for the album. A few ol’ reliables like Anthony Simpkins of GemsOnVHS (may God grant him wealth) and some fresh talent from where I live too. Namely, Sarah Reynolds (Couturra) and Zachary Schneider Studio.

I saw Zachary at someone’s birthday party and I remembered seeing some of his photography. It made me wonder if he did video work. I got in touch later and Zack responded with enthusiasm and a bunch of good questions and got to work right away on collecting some footage I described to him. I think what he captured and sequenced works perfectly for the feel of this song and the images are captivating. It’s a cool thing about where we live (Upper Michigan) that that imagery is around you all the time. I hear it come through the songs on this album.

Please go full screen and enjoy the look and sound and feel of the song and the visuals and hear “Kings, Gods, Fools” on your favorite streaming platform on April 28th.
Thanks for listening.


The first single "Kings, Gods, Fools" releases April 28th!

On Tuesday, April 28th, the first single from Toss Your Javelin will be available for streaming and download everywhere. Click the pre-save button below to be the first to hear the full single when it goes live on Spotify.
”Kings, Gods, Fools” will be the first of three singles released before the album is available to the public.

Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the song loud in your headphones. It sounds very good.


Little Ghost Notes

In the Spring of 2019 I started thinking of ways to try to get my songs in front of more people’s ears and into their heads. One of those ways was to get some other artists to start recording some of my compositions in their own style. I talked to a few people about doing some administrative work in exchange for those recordings.

One of the first people to really jump into the project and make it where the rubber meets the road was my old friend Dustin Sendejas. Dustin and I have known each other since I was a kid and was just starting to play shows. We’ve traveled all over the USA and even some in Canada together, me as a solo act, and Dustin in many different musical iterations from solo songwriter to member and sometimes leader of a big band. He was sort of a mentor to me and showed me new ways of looking at the world and introduced me to some important philosophical concepts that have shaped how I view and interact with the world. It always feels like we’re on an extended hangout when we get to see each other.

As a first label release, I thought it was very fitting that Dustin and I would do something collaboratively. We’ve both been on a long path of delineating where art and commerce merge and this is another building block for each of us in our individual body of work.

Dustin chose my song “Ghost Notes” and we renamed the track “Little Ghost Notes” as a way of cross pollinating his current main project Little Ghost and my song. I’m really happy with the result. I think Dustin did an outstanding job staying true to the composition while infusing his own particular qualities through a couple minor rearrangements. Listen to some other Little Ghost material to catch my drift (the song “The Dark” is a great place to start). Dustin played the acoustic guitar and the electric piano on the track and producer Eric Stanley added electric guitar and backing vocals. There’s a really nice flourish toward the end of the song that’s worth sticking around for. I’ve found myself returning to it frequently since I heard the initial recording.

I’m so pleased to present this to the world and I hope more similar collaborations continue to happen this year and onward!

Little Ghost Notes” can be purchased and streamed through the player above. You can also stream or download the song on your preferred streaming and downloading platform.
You can listen to my version of the song where I’ve posted it below or, as always, on your preferred streaming or download platform.
Please consider sharing the song on your social media or just play it for your friend in your car while you drive around.

Thanks for the listens.

John Davey: Live at The X!

Last night I visited the WUPX studio at Northern Michigan University and played some songs live on the air for about an hour.
The music director Alex Watenen was nice enough to invite me in for the performance and make all the necessary arrangements. We had a good time talking travel, art, music, and pickled eggs (look it up). He showed me the music library packed to the hilt with music that’s being transferred from physical to digital format and he introduced me to some interesting new stuff.

I played pretty good. I had fun. Radio is cool. Let’s do more.



Going Back On Tour (Summer 2019)

Hi. I'm going out on tour again for the first time in a couple of years. I've been workin' on putting together this new show. Davey 2.0. Come expecting to have a conversation about songs, ideas, jokes, pictures, etc. Maybe ask me to learn a song and I'll play it for you during the show when I'm in your town.

Currently the dates look like this (with more tba soon):

8/2 - Delft Bistro / Marquette, MI
8/4 - Zephyr Winebar + Cafe / Marquette, MI
8/8 - The Sovengard / Grand Rapids, MI
8/9 - Van Ness' Time Out w/ Drew Joseph / Fremont, OH 
8/10 - duende @ Silo City / Buffalo, NY
8/11 - *tba* / Pittsburgh, PA 
8/14 - Blackrocks Brewery / Marquette, MI
8/16 - The Orpheum Theater w/ Lena Maude / Hancock, MI
8/17 - Gwamp House (Private event. MSG for details.) / Marquette, MI
8/24 - House Show w/ Steffen Yazvac, Shane Leonard (Message for details) / Minneapolis, MI
9/8 - *John Davey Presents: Matthew Fowler* @ Ore Dock Brewing Co. / Marquette, MI
9/30 - Rare Bird Brewpub / Traverse City, MI

If you would like to set up a show in your town, message me and let's talk. 
See you out there.

- John

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